Caring Tree 2023
The Christmas season is fast approaching and Eastminster Presbyterian Church (EPC) is making plans for the Caring Tree ministry.
Last year, Eastminster was able to give ten families at two local elementary schools gift cards so that they could shop for Christmas gifts for their children. Because of your generous giving, we were able to give 50 Walmart gift cards to the families of Brockett and Smoke Rise Elementary schools. In addition to these, Kroger gift cards were also given to in-need families identified by school counselors.
This year, the schools’ counselors will distribute the gift cards to more families so that they can purchase clothes, toys, as well as personal care and household items. The goal is to raise enough money to buy 80 $50 gift cards. If donations exeed the need of these two schools we will attempt to include a third school, Stone Mountain Elementary. Based on member feedback, no nursing homes will be included this year.
Donations are needed by Sunday, December 10th. Please note “Caring Tree donation” on checks. Thank you for your contriburtions to the Caring Tree ministry!
Contacts: Mary Ann Howard and Linda Redman