Eastminster has a robust and diverse music program with opportunities for everyone!
If you attend one of Eastminster's worship services you are part of the most important music ensemble at our church! God's word tells us, again and again, to lift our voices in song to praise, worship, encourage, mourn, testify, and teach. Music has the power to express things that mere words cannot, and we hope that all those who participate in worship will join the congregational song with full hearts and voices.
Our adult choral ensemble provides musical leadership at our 10:30 am Sunday services. The choir also prepares for special seasonal services and concerts throughout the year. Led by a core of professional singers, this group performs a wide variety of musical styles and is open to anyone, regardless of musical training or experience. Come sing with us!! The rehearsals are at 7:30 pm on Wednesdays.
This select group of musicians provides participates regularly in worship and other special events during the year. The ensemble focuses on some of the great new music being written for worship as well as re-imagining classic hymns in a more contemporary way. Rehearsals are generally held on Sunday mornings.
Our orchestra accompanies the hymns for worship once a month and on other special occasions. This inter-generational ensemble includes players with a wide range of skill levels, from beginning elementary string players to professional orchestral musicians.
We love to include vocal or instrumental music, separate from our regular ensembles, in worship at Eastminster. We are always looking for opportunities to use the talents of guests and those in our congregation. If you would like to share your musical gifts or know someone who might, please let us know!
Handel's "MESSIAH" - Eastminster Presbyterian Church
"For Unto Us A Child Is Born" (G.F. Handel) - Chancel Choir
"But Who May Abide / Refiner's Fire" (G.F. Handel) - Gabrielle Beteag
"Rejoice Greatly" (G.F. Handel) - Amy Baker
"Joshua Fit the Battle of Jericho" (arr. Meade) - Jarius Cliett and Daniel Dalpiaz
2017 KIRKING OF THE TARTANS - 50th Anniversary Service