We the Session hereby adopt the following resolution on behalf of Eastminster Presbyterian Church of Stone Mountain:
We grieve the unjustified deaths of our Black, Brown, and Indigenous brothers and sisters, and the racial inequities they have suffered during more than 400 years of our nation’s history.
We grieve for their suffering and their unanswered cries to address systemic racism in our church, our community, and our world as a result of these injustices.
We stand in support of racial equality and against deeply ingrained prejudices against Black Americans and other people of color simply because of the color of their skin.
We commit to efforts to recognize and break down racism in all its forms.
We reject racism because we believe that any form of racism is contrary to the good news of Jesus Christ.
We affirm that, according to the teachings of Jesus Christ, we are to love our neighbors as ourselves.
We acknowledge it is our responsibility to examine our own hearts for biases and prejudices and to ask forgiveness for any harmful actions as a result of these beliefs.
We commit to learning more about white privilege and its harmful effects.
We commit to listen, learn, and work against all systems that place barriers to equality and justice.
We believe that in God all things are possible, and we share hope for a world where racism no longer exists.
For resources on racial equality, please download the bibliography of resources.